Choral Music
JCHS Auditioned Ensembles:
Auditioned ensembles (Bella Voce, Champe Singers, Chamber Choir) are advanced classes that are open to all singers and requires an audition by the choral director. These classes are performance oriented ensembles that appear in concerts around the community including sporting events as well as choir concerts. The repertoire will include a large variety of choral literature that is both sacred and secular. Sight reading and music theory are an an integral part of the class. Repertoire will range from moderate to difficult. These classes are offered as honors courses which allows students to earn an additional 0.5 to their GPA for the course.
Song of Miriam - Bella Voce
Daemon irrepit callidus - Champe Singers
JCHS Assessment Recordings:
JCHS Entry Level Ensembles:
Entry level classes are open to all singers. ConChords (Bass Choir) is open to all tenor, cambiata, and bass voices who have an interest in singing. Decibelles (Treble Choir) is open to all treble voices who have an interest in singing. There is no audition requirement for an entry level choir. Students will learn techniques for tone production, breathing techniques, singing posture, and proper diction. Students are expected to learn basic music theory and how to sight read. Performances and sight singing assignments are required as a necessary demonstration of the skills learned in class. Repertoire will range from easy to medium difficulty which includes unison, two-part, and three part singing in a variety of styles.
Dream Within a Dream - Decibelles
Umi Sono Ai - ConChords
JCHS Virtual Choirs:
During the pandemic students were able to collaborate and make music by using SoundTrap to record and edit their audio. Students would then lip sync to the provided recording so that all lips matched up in the final video. Students used WeVideo to edit their video and overlay their audio onto their video. Below is a recording of Carol of the Bells which we learned as a collaboration project with SCA during the winter season on top of our scheduled winter repertoire.
Carol of the Bells - Champe Singers
The Madisonians:
The Madisonians Show Choir, an SATB collegiate ensemble, was reinstated in the fall of 2013. The Madisonians revival started as a twelve-person ensemble and within a year grew to a thirty-person ensemble. Responsibilities included bookkeeping, picking repertoire, costuming, website graphic design, booking performances venues, recruiting new members, and trip planning. In the season of 2014-2015, The Madisonians had two show choir sets and one small showcase set. The sets included “Prison Break” (2014), “Premiere” (2015), and "Swing Riot" the showcase set that featured the Swing Medley.